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#101 : Une star est née

Jude Harrison, jeune collégienne de 15 ans qui joue un groupe après les cours, n'aurait jamais pensé démarrer une carrière de rock star. Mais tout change lorsqu'elle participe à un concours.

Titre VO
Even Better Than the Real Thing

Titre VF
Une star est née

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


24 Hours

24 Hours


Flashback (Pick Up The pieces Boys Attack)

Flashback (Pick Up The pieces Boys Attack)


Photos promo

Photo de l'épisode #1.01

Photo de l'épisode #1.01

Photo de l'épisode #1.01

Photo de l'épisode #1.01

Photo de l'épisode #1.01

Photo de l'épisode #1.01

Photo de l'épisode #1.01

Photo de l'épisode #1.01

Photo de l'épisode #1.01

Photo de l'épisode #1.01

Photo de l'épisode #1.01

Photo de l'épisode #1.01

Photo de l'épisode #1.01

Plus de détails

Guest stars : Miklos Perlus (l'animateur télé), Tim Hamaguchi (le réalisateur), Garen Boyajian (Hunter), Julia Schneider (Keisha), Billy Klippert (le juge/lui-même), Katrina Matthews (Eden)

A noter qu'à chaque début et fin d'épisode, Jude parle en voix off...

C'est la finale de l'émission nouvelle star (Instant Star en VO). Les chanteurs passent les uns après les autres, ovationnés ou non par le public. Une certaine Eden semble plaire au jury. Au même moment, Jamie frappe à la porte des toilettes. Avec Kat, ils demandent à Jude, leur meilleure amie, si tout va bien. Cette dernière terrorisée par le trac, ne bouge pas. Après plusieurs encouragements de ses amis, elle finit pas sortir des toilettes, se passe de l'eau sur le visage, prend sa guitare et se rend sur scène... C'est l'ovation.
Le public adore et le jury vote: Jude Harrison est la nouvelle star. Sous le choc, elle tient son trophée en regardant ses parents et amis applaudissants dans le public. 

Le lendemain, Jude et Jamie attendent à G Major. Jude va signer son premier contrat avec une maison de disques. Georgia, la directrice et son assistante E.J. arrivent et lui expliquent comment cela va se passer puis lui disent qu'elle va travailler avec un producteur de talent, une ancienne star de la chanson. Enthousiasmés, Jamie et Jude citent tous les grands nom de la musique. Georgia finit par lui dire: c'est Tom Quincy. Jude déchante, elle ne veut pas du "petit Tommy Q" ancien chanteur des Boyz Attack, un boys band à la mode en 1999. Derrière elle, Tom Quincy écoute et en colère la remet à sa place. Ambiance tendue... 

En studio, Jude commence à chanter sa chanson, Tom l'arrête. Ca ne va pas, la musique est trop lente, les paroles ne sont pas intéressantes. Jude désespère, Jamie vient à sa rescousse: ils doivent aller en cours. Au lycée, tous le monde regarde Jude d'un autre oeil depuis sa victoire, même sa soeur lui adresse la parole. Jude n'en revient pas et en parle avec Kat, puis Jamie. A l'extérieur, toute l'école fait un spectacle en son honneur. Jude assiste, horrifiée, à l'interprétation au tuba de sa chanson. Jamie lui dit qu'ils peuvent s'en aller, mais Jude aperçoit un peu plus loin Tom et va le rejoindre. Celui-ci se moque gentiment d'elle et lui propose de l'emmener travailler dans un endroit où elle ne pourra pas fuir comme au studio. Ils se retrouvent donc au bord du lac, Jude change pour la 10 ème fois le tempo de sa chanson, mais ne semble pas décider à changer sa chanson. Tom perd patience. Il s'approche d'elle et guide ses doigts sur sa guitare en lui expliquant comment elle devrait faire. Jude finit par être étonnée de voir comment il travaille et se rend compte que ça lui plaît. Au loin, un paparazzi prend des photos. 

Le lendemain, Jude, encore sous le charme de son escapade descend les marches d'escalier de chez elle en chantonnant, sa soeur et ses parents l'attendent, un magazine ouvert à la main... L'article parle d'une prétendue liaison entre Tom et elle, les montrant plus ou moins enlacés. Jude est contente: on parle d'elle! Mais ses parents sont en colère, et se demandent si Tom a essayé de la séduire. Jude dit non, ils travaillaient et marque même un certain dégoût. Ses parents finissent pas se disputer entre eux et Jude exaspérée de les voir encore comme ça, s'en va. Au lycée, les regards sont encore plus insistant et Jude constate que son casier et couvert des photos de l'article. Kat arrive et lui demande des explications. Jude la rassure, mais pendant une fraction de seconde avoue qu'elle n'est pas insensible au charme de Tom...
En sortant du lycée, Jamie la rattrape et lui offre le médiator de Joe Strummer. Jude est très contente et le remercie pour son soutien. Jamie en profite pour lui avouer ses sentiments et lui demande si elle ressent la même chose pour lui. Embêtée, Jude lui avoue qu'elle ne le considère que comme un ami, son meilleur ami. Vexé, Jamie l'est d'autant plus qu'elle lui avoue avoir changé les paroles de la chanson. Il s'énerve contre elle et, jaloux de l'influence qu'à Tom sur elle, lui dit qu'elle n'a plus besoin de lui avant de partir.

Un peu plus tard, dans la loge, Jude stresse de nouveau. Tom vient la rassurer et est heureux d'apprendre qu'elle a modifié sa chanson. Dans l'élan, Jude finit par l'embrasser... Tom la repousse en lui disant qu'elle n'a que 15 ans et que c'est son producteur. Un peu vexée et honteuse, elle s'en prend à lui, il tente de la raisonner, mais E.J. vient la chercher pour qu'elle chante.
Jude se rend sur scène. Tout le monde l'acclame et même Jamie est venu la voir. Tom lui fait remarquer qu'elle est faite pour ça et que ce n'est pas lui, le copain d'école qui pourrait changer ça.
A la fin de la chanson, toujours en colère, Jude donne sa guitare à Tom en lui disant qu'elle arrête. Tom ne comprend pas.

Plus tard, Jude est assise devant chez elle. Tom arrive et lui dit qu'il est désolé s'il lui a laissé croire que quelque chose était possible entre eux. Puis, il lui tend le cd de sa chanson enregistrée en live et lui dit qu'elle est vraiment faite pour ce métier. Alors, il lui conseille de bien écouter le cd et lui donne rendez-vous le lundi suivant pour commencer à travailler en studio.
Toujours assise, le cd dans les mains, Jude sourit.

Eden entre en scène et chante. Jamie est debout devant une porte des toilettes où est enfermée Jude.

JAMIE : Jude?

JUDE : Oui

JAMIE : Tu es encore en vie?

JUDE : Pas de problème. ça va bien.

Quelqu'un rentre dans les toilettes.

UNE HOMME : c'est à elle dans deux minutes

Eden chante toujours sous l'oeil admiratif du jury. Jude se passe de l'eau sur le visage.

JUDE : Demain à l'école je vais avoir l'air d'une grosse nul si je ne gagne pas ce soir.

JAMIE : C'est pas si grave, pour pas mal de gens, on est déjà des nuls.

JUDE : C'est rassurent, c'est gentil Jamie

JAMIE : Tu n'a qu'un mot à dire et on part tout de suite, sans plaisanter.

Eden fini sa chanson sous une pluie d'applaudissement.

Retour dans les toilettes.

JUDE : Je dois jouer ce soir.

Elle regarde ses amis.

JUDE : Souhaitez-moi bonne chance.

L'ANIMATEUR : Et maintenant voici la dernière candidate de la soirée : Applaudissez bien fort : Jude Harrison.

Jude marche dans le couloir la conduisant sur scène.

JUDE (Voix Off) : A 6 ans j'ai écrie ma première chanson. A 10 ans j'ai eu ma première guitare acoustique, et je ne l'ais pas lâchée depuis. C'est tout ce que j'ai en moi, et tout le travail que j'ai fourni qui ma conduite sur cette scène, ce soir. Quelque fois, si vous écoutez attentivement, vous pouvez presque l'entendre, cet instant où votre vie change... Pour toujours

Jude commence sa chanson.

A la fin du concour :

L'ANIMATEUR : Notre toute première nouvelle star est : JUDE HARRISON.

Le public applaudit. Jude n'en revient pas.


A la G-MAJOR, Jude et Jamie sont assis sur un canapé.

JAMIE : J'ai Toujours su que ça arriverait.

JUDE : Quoi?




Scene opens with the Instant Star competition. Eden is singing. Cut to Jamie standing in the bathroom


JAMIE: (Knocks on the bathroom stall door) Jude?


JUDE: Yeah?


JAMIE: You still alive?



Cut to Jude in the stall holding her head in her hands


JUDE: Yeah no problem. I feel great.



Back outside where Jamie is standing


BOY: She’s on in two.



Back out to the competition where we see Eden singing more of her song and the judges. Cut back to Jude, Jamie, and Kat in the bathroom


JUDE: (Splashes water on her face) If I don’t win, I’m going to look like such a dork in school tomorrow.


JAMIE: On the plus side, most people already think we’re dorks.


JUDE: (Sarcastically) Thank you Jamie.


JAMIE: Just say the word Jude, and we’re outta here. I mean it.



Back out to Eden finishing her song


ANNOUNCER: Alright! Give it up for Eden Taylor everybody!



Back to Jude in the bathroom


JUDE: I have to do this. Wish me luck. (Starts walking out of the bathroom)


ANNOUNCER: Right now we’re gonna bring out our final performer for this evening. Let’s hear a big round of applause for Jude Harrison!



Jude walking down the hallway to the stage


JUDE VOICE OVER: I wrote my first song when I was six. Got my first acoustic at ten, and it has barely left my hands since. Everything I am, everything I’ve worked for, has brought me to this stage tonight. (Sits down on the stool on stage) Sometimes, if you listen really hard, you can almost hear it. That moment your life changes. (Strums one chord on the guitar) Forever.


ANNOUNCER: Our first ever Instant Star is, Jude Harrison!


(Confetti falls, Jude looks ecstatic, as well as her parents. Eden and her sister Sadie both look less than happy.)



Opening Music



At G-Major Records


JUDE: (Sighs)


JAMIE: I always knew this would happen.


JUDE: What? That I’d win some cheesy TV talent search?


JAMIE: No that you’d be discovered somehow. You said it before, sometimes I can be psychic.


JUDE: Uh, no…I think I said sometimes you can be psychotic. (Laughs) Just Joking.


JAMIE: Don’t let them change you, okay?


JUDE: I’m not changing for them; I’m not changing for anyone.



Cut to Georgia and EJ


EJ: I’m telling you Georgia, she’s too young, too green, too unpackaged. I just want my objections put on record.


GEORGIA: You can put them on Mp3 for all I care EJ, and get over it. Jude is our girl. (Walks out to where Jude and Jamie are) There she is, our Instant Star!


JUDE: Hey.


GEORGIA: You travel light Jude. Your parents couldn’t make it?


JUDE: Oh they could I just, I kinda wanted to do this on my own.


GEORGIA: I understand. And who’s this?


JAMIE: I’m Jamie. I’m her people.


GEORGIA: Hahaha right. (They shake hands)


EJ: Jude, there were some artists in our contest, Eden for example, who are better positioned to become…a pop star.


JUDE: Well, I’m not, I’m not a pop star, I’m a songwriter.


GEORGIA: And that is why you won Jude. Now I believe that your songs can move units, but I also believe they can move people. And that’s why we’ve teamed you with a writer/producer with real substance.


JAMIE: Billy Joe from Green Day?


JUDE: Tim Armstrong from Rancid?


GEORGIA: We were thinking more Tom Quincy.


JUDE: Little Tommy Q from Boyz Attack?


JAMIE: (Laughs) Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you were kidding.



Switch to Jude’s thoughts with a Boyz Attack video playing in the background


JUDE: In the 90’s Boyz Attack was it. And Little Tommy Q was the original boy band heartthrob. (Smiles at Tommy) Jude?



Back to reality




JUDE: Yeah, sorry.


GEORGIA: Look, I know his reputation, and I know he’s still in and out of the tabloids, but he has grown as an artist. And he’s become a brilliant writer/producer.


JAMIE: But he’s pop, and retro.


JUDE: And really really lame. You can’t be serious, Little Tommy Q?


TOMMY: (Standing on the stairs behind her) First, I’m here because Georgia is a friend. I could care less about you or your whack contest. Second, the name’s Tom Quincy. Don’t you ever call me ‘Little Tommy Q’ again.


JUDE: (Uncomfortably) Sorry.


TOMMY: Why don’t you show me what you got.


JUDE: Okay.



Cut to Jude playing her guitar in the sound booth


JUDE: (Singing) At least I got my trusted friend/ We’re on the road alone again/ I guess we’re tired of giving in…


TOMMY: (From the other side of the glass) You wanna stop, cuz you’re hurting my ears. (Gets up and goes into the booth where Jude is) You won a contest, with that? You’re singing like it’s a funeral dirge. It’s boring, you gotta pick up the tempo, straight quarters on the bottom. Watch. (Starts playing her guitar) Sing. Sing!


JUDE: At least I got my trusted friend.


TOMMY: Faster.


JUDE: We’re on the road alone again.


TOMMY: (Stops playing) Alright, these lyrics. “We’re on the road. We’re tired of giving in. We made it here.” Who’s we?


JUDE: It’s about me and my best friend.


(Smiles at Jamie who is on the other side of the glass.)


TOMMY: We don’t care about your friend Jude. We care about you. Your song’s too bland, you gotta make it personal.


JUDE: Well I like it the way it is!


TOMMY: Your song, it served its purpose, it won you the contest, but it’s not ready. I mean, not until we rewrite the lyrics.


JAMIE: (Walks in the booth) Uh, Jude? We gotta go. To that, uh, thing.


GEORGIA: (Over the intercom) I think that’s enough for today Jude, you can go.


JUDE: Okay. Okay see you later.


TOMMY: (Annoyed) See ya.



Scene switches to Jude’s school, Carson Hill High School


JAMIE: (Talking to some kid) So then I said “She’s not changing her song Timberlake, so why don’t you back off before I kick your well coifed ass!”


KID: You said that? You’re the envy of the school dude; you’re friends with the famous chick!


JAMIE: She’s not famous, not yet anyway. Besides, I think Jude and I will soon be leaving the town of Friendsville. Next stop on the Jude/Jamie train is love. This is just a transitional phase.


KID: Good luck brother! (He walks away and Jamie closes his locker to find Kat.)


KAT: Heh transitional phase? You been watching Dr. Phil again?


JAMIE: See this expression? This is me ignoring you.


KAT: Bad idea. Seeing as I am Jude’s best friend, and I’m a girl, and unlike you, I’m from planet Earth.


JAMIE: I know having a point isn’t your forte…


KAT: My point is you should talk to Jude before you start picking out china.


JAMIE: I will, I know what I’m going to say and everything, more or less.



Switch to Jude waking down the hall


KIDS: Hey there she is! Wow!


GIRL: So, are you like rich now?


SADIE: Please okay? She only got some pathetic signing bonus. I mean if it were me, I would have gotten way more cheddar before I signed some, three year contract?


JUDE: Hmm well, you didn’t win did you Sadie? (Sadie gives her a look and walks away) Hey.


JAMIE: I see your sister is taking your win with her usual dignity and grace.


JUDE: Yeah, well you know at least she’s talking to me in the halls. For years she was telling everyone I was her second cousin.


(Puts her arm around Kat and lightly pushes Jamie.)



Switch to a picture of a tabloid with Tommy on the cover


KAT: So you admit it? (Takes out a tabloid) Tommy Q is hot! It’s not his fault the tabloids follow him around.


JUDE: (Sighs)


KAT: I mean it’s just the price of fame.


JUDE: Yeah.


KAT: (Pushes open the door to the outside of the school) Talk about the price of fame!


(Jude walks out to see the band, the cheerleading squad, and a bunch of students.)


TEACHER: Here she is, our Instant Star!




KAT: Is that your song?


JUDE: Yeah they’re playing my song on tubas. (Looks away incredibly embarrassed)


TEACHER: Okay everybody; give us an Instant Star smile! Jude congratulations. We’re really proud of you.


JUDE: Thank you.


JAMIE: I haven’t seen anything this dorky since the chess club strawberry social.


JUDE: Yeah, heh. (She looks around and sees Tommy leaning up against his car. He waves at her)


JAMIE: Let’s ditch this. There’s something I want to talk to you about.


JUDE: I, I have to go. Sorry.


JAMIE: Jude?


JUDE: (She walks over to Tommy) What are you doing here?


TOMMY: Rescuing you.


JUDE: What?


TOMMY: (Sarcastically) That was great by the way, love the tubas.


JUDE: Yeah.


TOMMY: Georgia scored you an appearance at the Vinyl Palace.


JUDE: Seriously? The Vinyl Palace?


TOMMY: Really. So that just leaves us two days to work on your song.


JUDE: Where are we gonna go?


TOMMY: I was thinking somewhere you won’t walk out on me this time. Get in.


(Jamie and Kat watch as she gets in the car and they drive away.)



Scene switches to Jude and Tommy on the docks


JUDE: (Playing her guitar) At least I… at least I got my trusted friends.


TOMMY: (Laughs)


JUDE: (Stops playing) What?


TOMMY: That’s your tenth chord variation but you still haven’t touched the lyrics.


JUDE: Well, I’m just, I’m trying to get it right.


TOMMY: You wanna get it right? Or you wanna get it right now?


JUDE: That’s funny.


TOMMY: You do everything in such a hurry?


JUDE: Just my music. I’m on a timeline. Kurt Cobain made Nevermind when he was 23. I’m 15, that leaves me only eight years to create my masterpiece.


TOMMY: I guess that leaves me just a year then. Heh. (Gets off his car and goes to sit next to her) Right now, your job is to get ready to kill at the Vinyl Palace. Look, the chords you want, they’re in the guitar. They’re hiding. They wanna come out, but you keep scaring them back in. (Puts his arm around her to start strumming the guitar) You wanna coax them out, gently.


(She smiles at him while they are unknowingly being photographed by a paparazzi.)



Scene switches to Jude’s house


JUDE: (Coming down the stairs) Has anyone seen my boots?! (Sees her parents and her sister waiting for her in the kitchen) What is this, an intervention?


SADIE: (Reading a tabloid) Ex boy band cutie gets up close and personal with prodigy Jude Harrison. (Shows Jude the picture of she and Tommy together)


JUDE: What? I’m in Talk National, are you kidding me? That’s awesome! (Her parents give her questioning looks) Oh, no, come on, you know nothing happened.


STUART: (To Victoria) You see.


SADIE: I tried to tell them, I mean why would Tommy Quincy be interested in someone like you?


JUDE: (Sarcastically) Oh that’s so funny Sadie, you’re hilarious! (Tosses the tabloid at her)


VICTORIA: So, he didn’t touch you?


JUDE: No, mom, gross!


VICTORIA: Honey we need to talk about this.


STUART: Vic she said nothing’s going on, nothing’s going on.


VICTORIA: Yet! I’m not taking any chances, I’m calling Georgia now!


STUART: No your not! This is Jude’s shot and I’m not going to let you blow it for her!


VICTORIA: Blow it for Jude or for you?! (Jude takes her boots from Sadie) Not too sure who this is more important for Stuart!


STUART: It’s for Jude! (Jude walks out and slams the door)



Scene switches to Jude at school


(Jude walks up to her locker to find it covered in the pictures of her and Tommy. She rips them down and crumples them up.)


KAT: So, no truth to this story right?


JUDE: No I’d tell you.


KAT: Too bad, cuz you and Tommy look so cute together.


JUDE: Do you think so?


KAT: Oh my God.


JUDE: (Sighs) Shut up.


KAT: Oh. My. God!


JUDE: Kat I can’t like this guy, he’s from a nineties boy band!


KAT: The man is like an Orlando Bloom sundae, smothered in Johnny Depp sauce.


JUDE: Yeah I know. But it’s more than that Kat. I mean he teaches me stuff, I make great music with him, and at the lake, uhhhh, at the lake there was this moment. I don’t know, maybe I just imagined it.


KAT: Yeah but what if you didn’t?


JAMIE: (Walks up to them. To Jude) Hey! I was wondering if, uh, maybe now would be a good time, for us to talk.



Switch to Jude and Jamie outside


JAMIE: Famous for a few days and already in a tabloid? Wow.


JUDE: Oh um yeah, by the way I have, um, something for you. (Hands him a ticket) It’s a ticket, for tonight. I’m singing at the Vinyl Palace, I haven’t even been inside before.




JUDE: I know.


JAMIE: Little Tommy Q coming?


JUDE: Yeah.


JAMIE: Jude…


JUDE: What?


JAMIE: Don’t tell me you rewrote the lyrics, not with Little Tommy Q!


JUDE: Jamie he’s grown as an artist.


JAMIE: He drives a viper.


JUDE: Right, I know. But he’s my producer, what can I do?


JAMIE: Whatever. I got something for ya.


JUDE: Do you?


JAMIE: (Holds up a guitar pick on a string) I got it off Ebay. It’s Joe Strummer’s guitar pick.


JUDE: This is Joe Strummer’s?! Are you serious?! That’s awesome, thank you! I love it!


JAMIE: Jude?


JUDE: Yeah?


JAMIE: We’ve been friends a long time, but I wanted to talk about a, transition to something more.


(Jude looks shocked and turns her head away.)


JAMIE: But you don’t, obviously.


JUDE: Don’t be mad Jamie.


JAMIE: I’m not, I, I can’t believe you’re letting that hack change our song!


JUDE: It’s not our song, it’s my song.


JAMIE: But those lyrics, they’re about us.


JUDE: Right and they don’t work anymore. They have to go.


JAMIE: Yeah, just like me. (He walks away)


JUDE: Jamie! (She looks down guiltily)



Scene changes to Jude in her dressing room


(She is nervously biting the Joe Strummer guitar pick around her neck and looks upset.)


TOMMY: (Knocks) Can I have your autograph?


JUDE: (Picks up a sheet of paper) Hey, um, I rewrote the lyrics and there’s a new hook and everything so…yeah.


TOMMY: So you took my advice huh?


JUDE: Yeah.


TOMMY: Heh, this, this is really good Jude.


JUDE: Good.


TOMMY: You know, you should be happy about this.


JUDE: I am.


TOMMY: What’s going on?


JUDE: It’s Jamie, he’s not coming tonight.


TOMMY: For what it’s worth, back in the day I went through the same thing with my best friend.


JUDE: Really?


TOMMY: It was brutal.


JUDE: Yeah.


TOMMY: Look, if you ever need to talk, anytime, about anything, I’m here for you okay? It’s part of the job.


JUDE: You know, before I met you I thought you were gonna suck huge.


(She leans up and kisses him, instantly regretting it.)


TOMMY: Jude. You’re fifteen.


JUDE: I’m such an idiot.


EJ: (Walks in the room) Jude, come on, it’s almost time. (She walks out)


JUDE: (Her voice starts to crack) How can I even begin to like someone like you? You’re everything I hate about music!


TOMMY: Easy.


JUDE: You made me change my song!


TOMMY: Don’t give me that! It’s your song, it’s a thousand times better since we worked on it, and you know it!


EJ: Jude, we need you.


JUDE: Okay. (She grabs her guitar and walks out to the stage)


ANNOUNCER: Our Instant Star, Jude Harrison!


KAT: Yeah baby!


JUDE: (Music starts) I’ve been sittin’ in the dirt/ for 24 hours./ I’ve forgotten my own worth/ for 24 hours./ Said that you’d be here last night. Ooh/ I’m trying to shake you from my skin/ for 48 hours./ Clean up this mess I’ve been put in./ I’m guessing you can’t always win./ I’m guessing you can’t always win!/ I can’t have anything I want they say I’m just too young but it’s not my fault. I’ll find my own way home if I gotta./ I’ll make it all alone if I gotta.


GEORGIA: (To EJ) So, you still think she’s not our girl? (EJ smiles) Haha!


JUDE: Why do I feel you everywhere?/ Why do I feel this everywhere?/ Yeah I can’t have anything I want, they say I’m just too young but it’s not my fault./


(Jamie walks in and smiles at her, she smiles back and sticks out her tongue.)


JUDE : I’ll find my own way home if I gotta./ I’ll make it all alone if I gotta.


TOMMY: (To Jamie) Couldn’t stay away could ya? I mean look at her man, she was born for this!


JUDE: Watching the world go by/ I think I’d rather die. / And I don’t got a plan…


JAMIE: Back when you were shaking your butt in your little boy band, Jude and I were locked in her bedroom, listening to Sonic Youth, writing songs that could change the world. So save it!


TOMMY: Does that look like her bedroom out there?


JUDE: I can’t have anything I want. They say I’m just too young but it’s not my fault./ I’ll find my own way home if I gotta./ I’ll make it all alone./24 Hours.


(The crowd cheers. Jude gets off stage, finds Tommy, and walks up to him.)


TOMMY: Jude that was awesome! I mean you tore the roof off!


JUDE: Thanks, but I quit. (She hands him her guitar and walks away)


TOMMY: Jude?!



Scene switches to Jude sitting on her front steps


(Tommy pulls up in his Viper and gets out.)


JUDE: Hey.


TOMMY: Jude, if I led you on…


JUDE: Let’s just skip this.


TOMMY: Cool.


JUDE: Cool.


TOMMY: Look working on a song, it’s like falling in love. At first it’s a rush, but then it gets painful. And sometimes you gotta walk away, but sometimes you come out of it with something beautiful. Like that song. I mean change can be good Jude. You want proof? Just listen. (He hands her a CD of her performance) Don’t quit. Cuz you’re it girl. You’re the real thing. You’re even better. 9 o’clock, Monday, be at the studio. (He walks away)


(Jude looks up at the sky and sighs, then looks back down at the CD.)



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30.04.2021 vers 13h

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Kyle Riabko

Kyle Riabko
Kyle Riabko a sorti un tout nouvel album en Novembre 2017 intitulé Richard Rodgers REIMAGINED. Il a...

Mark Taylor dans la série Insomnia

Mark Taylor dans la série Insomnia
Mark Taylor va jouer le rôle de Ryan dans la nouvelle série nommée Insomnia. La série, créée par...

Kristopher Turner | Falling Water

Kristopher Turner | Falling Water
Kristopher Turner va rejoindre la deuxième saison de la série nommée Falling Water.   (souce...

Tatiana Maslany :  News filmographie

Tatiana Maslany : News filmographie
L'actrice va aussi jouer dans un film nommé Destroyer. À l'origine, elle devait participer au...

Nouveau sondage.

Nouveau sondage.
Bonjour, voici le tout nouveau sondage pour le mois de Janvier : En cette nouvelle année, quel...


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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !