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#104 : Soeurs ennemies

Le nouveau single de Jude ne recueille pas de bonnes réactions. Tommy est désespéré. Jude essaie de le réconforter en lui disant que sa chanson n'a pas besoin de fioritures, mais de sincérité. Petit à petit, ils se laissent aller à des rapports plus intimes mais Sadie, la soeur de Jude, débarque et vient semer le trouble.

Titre VO
Hey Sister

Titre VF
Soeurs ennemies

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

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Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Plus de détails

Guest stars : Claudia Besso (Ivette), Malcolm Xerxes (le programmateur de Budy Radio), Andrew Buttcher (), Turn Off The Stars (eux-mêmes), Billy Houston (le programmateur de Cool Radio), Kathryn Haggs (le président), Doug Hadders (le programmateur d'Happy Radio)

Jude fait la tournée des programmateurs radios afin qu’ils diffusent son dernier single. Même si elle n’aime pas trop la compétition, Jude s’accroche, mais les résultats sont décevants, personne ne veut d’I’m in love with my guitar et beaucoup préfère le dernier single d’Eden…


Plus tard, à G-Major, Jude lance des fléchettes sur la photo d’Eden. Georgia arrive et lui explique que son titre est fort et qu’ils doivent absolument lancer un autre single avant de perdre le marché. Jude explique alors qu’elle veut se remettre au travail avec Tom. Georgia lui apprend que Tom s’en va. Jude va le voir et ce dernier lui explique qu’il travaille à la pige et qu’il peut partir quand il veut, surtout qu’après le flop du titre, c’est mieux pour elle de travailler avec quelqu’un d’autre. Jude n’en revient pas.


Au même moment, Sadie discute avec son père du débat public qu’elle va faire. Stuart pense avoir également compris pourquoi sa fille est distante avec lui, elle a trouvé le mot d’Yvette. Il lui explique alors que c’est une mauvaise farce et que même si ça ne va pas bien avec sa mère, il ne ferait jamais ça. Sadie est rassurée.


Dans le salon, Jude range frénétiquement les vinyles. Son père lui demande ce qui ne va pas et elle lui explique ce qui se passe avec son single. Stuart a soudain une idée et lui montre un vinyle en lui expliquant que c’est quand tout allait mal qu’un grand chanteur dans années 70, Bob Dylan s’est exilé à la campagne pour créer une chanson qui est devenue un classique.

Jude emballée, dit alors qu’elle va passer le week-end à la maison de campagne pour écrire une chanson superbe avec Tom qui décidera alors de rester. Son père s’écrit alors qu’il n’était pas au courant pour Tom, mais Jude est déjà partie…


Alors qu’il est en plein enregistrement d’un groupe de rock, Jude appelle Tom et lui propose le week-end. Tom n’est pas emballé car il se reproche vraiment l’échec de son titre, mais Jude finit par le convaincre, mais lui demande comment ses parents ont accepté de la laisser un week-end seule avec lui… Jude décide alors d’embarquer Jamie et Kat pour qu’ils acceptent.

Jamie n’est cependant pas très emballé, d’autant plus que Tom arrive avec son coupé et Jamie doit donc prendre sa voiture et faire le trajet avec Kat.


Pendant ce temps, Victoria et Stuart se rendent au débat de Sadie. Victoria n’est pas non plus très rassurée de savoir Jude avec Tom, mais Stuart la rassure.

Alors que sa femme va s’asseoir, Stuart rencontre Yvette. De loin, Sadie les voit et comprend que son père lui a bien menti et que c’est bien sa maîtresse.


A la maison de campagne, Tom découvre l’univers de Jude et de Sadie et Jude trouve qu’il s’intéresse beaucoup à Sadie, mais Tom dément.


Retour au débat. Alors qu’elle commence son discours, Sadie change soudain son texte et parle des mensonges. Puis chez eux, elle a une violente altercation avec son père et s’en va.


Pendant ce temps, Jamie et Kat se retrouvent perdus au milieu de nul part. Quant la voiture tombe en panne, Kat s’en prend à Jamie et ils se disputent. Kat veut qu’il avoue qu’il est amoureux de Jude, mais Jamie dément.


A la maison de campagne, Jude et Tom composent un nouveau titre. Jude dévore Tom des yeux alors qu’il fait semblant de ne rien voir. Tout à coup, Sadie débarque. En colère, Jude l’entraîne dehors et se dispute avec elle en lui demandant ce qu’elle fait là. Sadie explique qu’elle a eu besoin de partir de chez eux et voulait lui parler. Jude croit alors que Sadie est là pour Tom et veut le séduire et se dispute de plus belle avec elle et Sadie ne cherche même pas à démentir.

Plus tard, alors que Sadie et Tom parlent d’équitation, Jude s’énerve et rappelle à Tom qu’ils ont une chanson à finir.


Au même moment, Jamie et Kat tentent de retrouver leur chemin. Ils se disputent encore et Jude commence à s’inquiéter de ne pas les voir.

Jude et Tom continuent la chanson, mais Tom regarde Sadie qui le drague de loin. Jude se rend compte de ce qui se passe et est dégoûtée par le comportement de sa sœur.

Pendant ce temps, Jamie finit par avouer à Kat qu’il est vraiment fou de Jude.

Cette dernière tente toujours de les joindre, en vain. Sadie veut s’amuser et demande à Tom de danser avec elle, Tom n’est pas très enthousiaste et Jude s’interpose et se dispute encore avec Sadie.

Tom tente de doucement de les calmer, mais devant la dispute, finit par s’énerver violement en expliquant qu’elles sont sœurs et qu’elles ont visiblement de gros problèmes à régler, mais que se disputer n’est pas la solution. Elles s’arrêtent…


Tom va ensuite voir Sadie qui rumine dans le jardin. Sadie s’excuse. Tom lui dit que ça ne lui déplaît pas qu’elles se battent pour lui, mais que leurs problèmes sont visiblement plus graves et qu’elles devraient avoir une vraie conversation. Sadie explique alors à Tom que son père a une maîtresse et qu’elle ne sait pas si elle doit le dire à Jude… Puis elle se réfugie dans les bras de Tom qui la rassure et finit par l’embrasser. Jude les voit de loin et part en pleurant.

Dans le salon, elle finit la chanson. Tom arrive et comprend très vite pourquoi elle pleure. Jude tente de le convaincre en criant que Sadie n’est pas bien pour lui, mais il lui explique que le plus important c’est leur lien en tant que sœur.

Ce le moment que choisissent Kat et Jamie pour arriver. Jude décide de partir.


Plus tard, au studio, Georgia est sous le charme du titre. Tom explique alors qu’il reste puis va parler à Jude. Il lui explique que malgré ce qui s’est passé, il tient à travailler avec elle et elle aussi. Puis, lorsqu’elle lui pose des questions sur Sadie et lui, il lui dit qu’ils ont du travail.


Par la suite, Jude court voir son père en lui disant que c’est un génie et que son idée était super. Puis elle se réconcilie avec sa sœur en lui demandant ce qu’elle voulait lui dire, mais Sadie décide de ne pas le faire pour la protéger…

[Scene opens with Jude recording in the studio]

JUDE: *Singing* Whenever we’re together no one’s a star,/

 I can pour it all out right from the heart.

If it’s up to me, we’ll never be apart.

I’m in love with my guitar.

JUDE VOICE OVER: Recording a new song isn’t that different from going to school. You have to put in hours of hard work, and put yourself at the mercy of your teachers…

[Camera switches to show Tommy, Georgia, and E.J. in the control room, listening to Jude sing]


: I love it. It’s got summer hit written all over it,

E.J.: Completely. Totally agree.


: Now it’s time to kick our PR up a notch; I wanna get some public reaction before we release this single.

TOMMY: How public we talking?


: Well, we arranged a sneak peek at her school auditorium this Friday. We want her playing to her classmates and half a dozen cameras. You think she’s ready to take this live?

JUDE VOICE OVER: And all you really want to know is, if you passed the test.


*Tommy turns around and looks at Jude singing*

TOMMY: She’s good to go.

[Switch to Jude singing]

JUDE: I’m in love with my guitar.


*Jude looks over at them and smiles questioningly*

-Opening Music-

[Scene opens at night with Tommy and Jude in the Viper, pulling up to Jude’s house]

TOMMY: You’re gonna rock that school tomorrow. Get your beauty sleep.

JUDE: *Getting out of the car* Yeah are you kidding me? I’m way too wired.

*Tommy drives away and Jude stops on the way to her door and looks at the CD in her hand. She turns around and runs next door to what we learn in Jamie’s house. She picks up a few rocks and starts throwing them at Jamie’s window*

JUDE: Jamie.

*She goes to pick up another rock but the light goes on and Jamie pokes his head out the window*


JAMIE: Heeey.

JUDE: Hey.

JAMIE: ~With slight sarcasm~ You know, someone’s gotta tell you about this new technology, the telephone.

JUDE: Okay just shut up and catch Rapunzel. *She tosses the CD up to him*

JAMIE: *He looks at the front cover of the CD* Wow, look at you all sassy.

JUDE: Yeah, it’s cool huh? It’s just a demo, but listen to the first track because that’s what I’m performing at school tomorrow.

JAMIE: *He opens up the case and reads the CD* “I’m in Love With My Guitar”?

*He chuckles slightly*

JUDE: Yeah, make sure you’re there okay? Cuz Kat’s out of town and I need you. You’re my only wingman. Alright?

*She begins to walk towards her house*

JAMIE: Jude-a-palooza. Wouldn’t miss it.

JUDE: See ya later! *She runs up to her door and goes inside*

[Scene switches to the next morning in the Harrison’s kitchen]

SADIE: (To her parents) So, how long is she grounded for?

STUART: Who honey?

SADIE: Jude. She missed curfew last night. *Her parents don’t respond* Come on guys. I can’t stay out past eleven on a school night and what? My little sister can?

STUART: Well that’s different honey. Jude was working.

SADIE: Look, if you guys are gonna have different rules for Jude and me because she’s all famous now. You might as well write them down.

*She picks up a pad of paper and a pen and holds them out for her parents to grab*


SADIE: ~Sarcastic~ So I can keep track.

*When her parents don’t respond she puts down the paper and walks out of the room*

STUART: Sadie!


: Oh come on honey! (To Stuart) Remember when they were too young to talk back?

STUART: Uh huh.


: I miss those days.

STUART: So do I…Lunch. *He hands Victoria the lunch he was making and kisses her* See ya.


: See ya.

[Switch to Jude, Tommy, E.J., and Georgia walking down the hallway of Jude’s school]

*We see a bunch of girls squeal and drop their books at the sight of Tommy. Who picks them up and turns to walk with Jude*

JUDE: Okay it’s so surreal having you here.

TOMMY: Yeah it’s even weirder for me. You know I never did the whole high school thing. I pretty much got drafted into Boyz Attack right after junior high.

JUDE: Yeah okay but you know you didn’t miss much.

TEACHER: (To Tommy) You’ll have to pardon our students, we’re not used to having a celebrity of your caliber with us. No offense to Jude. Actually…

*He digs in his pocket for a piece of paper*

TEACHER: Would you sign this?

JUDE: Oh me?

TEACHER: Please,

JUDE: Sure. *She looks at the paper* Uh, this is a math test.

TEACHER: Yes. My daughter said that I had to get you to sign something of yours today.

JUDE: Okay. *She signs the paper* Well I hope your daughter enjoys my work with equations.

E.J.: (To Jude) Here’s your agenda. Read it, know it, love it.

*E.J., Tommy, Georgia, and the teacher walk away followed by a bunch of girls squealing about Tommy and Boyz Attack. Jude sighs and walks around a corner to see a giant poster of herself hung in the hallway, she turns and sees Jamie and begins to walk with him*

JUDE: This is so embarrassing. Making a whole day about me?

JAMIE: Oh shut up, you love it.

JUDE: Okay, I kinda do. What is that bad?

JAMIE: Not as bad as today’s lunch special. Jude Jambalaya.

JUDE: Are you kidding me?

JAMIE: I never kid about jambalaya; I’m not that kind of guy.

JUDE: *She smiles* Okay so stop making me wait Mysterio. What do you think?

JAMIE: What?

JUDE: About the song. What do you think? Do you like it?

JAMIE: Oh, yeah, uh, about that. My CD player kinda conked out last night, kinda ate it.

JUDE: Really?

JAMIE: Sorry.

JUDE: No, that’s okay. Um, I got another one.

*She takes off her backpack, opens it up, and takes out a new CD*

JUDE: But do me a favor okay? Take a good listen to it in the library, cuz I really need your opinion before I go on stage.

JAMIE: To unveil it to the fickle masses. Like a gladiator facing the lions?

JUDE: Yeah, sure. *She chuckles* See ya later.

*She walks away. Jamie stops smiling and looks down at the CD in his hand. He turns and leans up against his locker*

JAMIE: ~Frustrated~ Oh come on.

VOICE OVER THE PA: Sadie Harrison please report to the attendance office.

[Scene switches to Sadie arriving in the office]

SADIE: (To the secretary) Uh you paged me?

*The secretary points behind her and Sadie turns around to see her dad standing there*

SADIE: (To Stuart) What’s wrong? Is grandma okay?

STUART: *He laughs a little* Grandma is fine. I came here to see you. I thought that maybe we could play hooky together, you know hang.

SADIE: Okay now you’re weirding me out.

STUART: Sadie, I know that they’re making today a big event for your sister, and I figured that maybe you’d just want to skip it.

SADIE: *Sadie smiles* Oh…what’d you have in mind?

STUART: I kind of have to show you, come on. Come on.

*Stuart walks away and Sadie hesitantly follows*

[Switch to Jude standing outside her school talking to a reporter]

REPORTER: Wow popular girl, Jude. Must feel great coming from all of your friends.

JUDE: Yeah, um, it’s cool. Kind of bizarre, but cool.

REPORTER: Okay so how have things changed for you since you won the contest?

JUDE: Uh, nothing’s really changed. I mean so much has, but so much hasn’t you know? I’m still the same Jude that sucks at math.

REPORTER: Aw come on…

[Switch to a couple of girls walking down the hallway inside the school]

GIRL 1: I thought every day was Jude day around here.

GIRL 2: I’m so sick of hearing about her.

*The two girls look at one of the posters of Jude on the wall, and tear it down. While Jamie witnesses it all. The girls walk away and Jamie walks over and puts the poster back up on the wall*

[Scene switches to Jamie walking outside with E.J. and Tommy]

*Jamie looks around and sees all of the kids gathered around Jude and the reporter*

JAMIE: I don’t get it. Most of these kids don’t even like Jude.

TOMMY: But everybody loves the camera.

E.J.: (To Jamie) Come on, get in there. She’s waiting for you.

JUDE: (To the reporter) Three months ago I was sitting in my room playing my guitar. Now I’m about to perform in front of the entire school, it really makes me laugh.

*Jamie walks up awkwardly*

JUDE: Hey.

REPORTER: Alright, so artists have a lot to handle with just the recording process. How do you handle music and school at the same time?

JUDE: Um, it’s wicked. It kind of keeps me balanced. But so does this guy.*She motions to Jamie* This is uh, this is Jamie. He’s like my musical Gandalf. I trust his taste more than anyone’s.

REPORTER: Interesting, Gandalf? Alright so you must have heard the new single, what’s the word on the street?

JAMIE: ~Obviously uncomfortable~ It’s uh, it’s very enjoyable. In a…uniquely, familiar way.

REPORTER: Hmm, sounds interesting. ~slightly sarcastic~ I’m excited. Your fans are excited I’m sure.

*Tommy motions for E.J. to stop the interview quickly*

E.J.: (To the reporter) Okay, thanks Tanya, but we’re late for a sound check.

*E.J. grabs Jude’s arm, pulls her away, and leads her up into the school while Jamie watches knowing he screwed up*

[Scene switch to Sadie and Stuart walking in a mall]

STUART: What’s happening with your sister right now is just unbelievably exciting for her and I know it’s been kind of hard for you.

SADIE: Not really.

STUART: Oh really? So you’ve been moody and acting out because why? The moon is full?


STUART: Listen, your mom and I have been talking and we just think it’s time for you to have something really exciting in your life, something to look forward to.

SADIE: *She shrugs* What? What?

STUART:  Didn’t you say something about wanting to spend the summer in Europe?

*He motions behind him to the travel agency they’re standing in front of*

SADIE: ~With disbelief~ No.


SADIE: You serious? *Stuart nods* Dad thank you! *She hugs him* Oh I can’t believe this!

STUART: Come on! Let’s go. *They turn to walk into the travel agency*

SADIE: I can’t believe you did this!

[Inside the hallways of Jude’s school]

*We see the two girls from earlier putting flyers in lockers. Jamie grabs one and it reads “Join the Jude Harrison walkout!”. Jamie looks up in concern.*

[Inside the auditorium]

TOMMY: *Testing the mics* Check check. *He gets major feedback* What’s with the feedback Rudy?

RUDY: Sorry Tommy.

JUDE: *Standing by one of the mics with her guitar* Tommy, what do the words “uniquely familiar” mean to you?

TOMMY: They mean ‘I’m a deliberately obscure sixteen year old music nerd’. Keep tuning your G is flat.

JUDE: Okay, seriously though. What does it mean?

TOMMY: Jude, cut the cord already. You’re about to serenade your whole school, you’re stressing over one kid. Why?

JUDE: Because, It’s Jamie.

*Tommy turns a knob on the amp behind Jude and gets feed back again*

TOMMY: (To the sound crew) Jeez! That better not be my amp morons.

*Tommy walks away, and Jude begins to tune her guitar. Then Jamie walks in.*


JUDE: I was hoping you’d come.

JAMIE: Yeah uh, we need to talk. Now.

[Switch to Jamie and Jude walking down the aisles of the auditorium]

JAMIE: Uh…don’t go on stage. They’re gonna crucify you.

JUDE: What? What are you, what are you talking about?

JAMIE: *Pulls the flyer out of his pocket and shows it to her* Look. A bunch of kids are in on it. They’re going to walk out on you in the middle of your song, embarrass you in front of the media. They even made t-shirts.

*He holds up a shirt that has the word Jude crossed out on it*

JAMIE: They’re not just evil, they’re accessorized!

JUDE: That’s so mean. Why would they do that?

JAMIE: Jude, you remember the time that I butted in line in the cafeteria and that jock went all smackdown on me?

JUDE: You practically lost fillings, but what does that have to do with this?

JAMIE: You’re supposed to be in the background, not the spotlight. Jude you jumped the line, big time.

JUDE: Okay, so, big deal if they don’t like me, they’ll like the song. They just have to hear it.

JAMIE: Jude…

JUDE: No Jamie, seriously it’ll win them over.

JAMIE: Jude the song is bad! I lied. I played it a million times last night hoping it would get better. You sound amazing in it, but the song, Jude, it’s gimmicky corporate crap.

*Upset, Jude turns around and walks out*

JAMIE: Jude! I’m just trying to protect you!

[Inside of a classroom]

*Jude is being interviewed by a different reporter while Georgia, E.J., and Tommy stand by and watch*

REPORTER: Almost finished your first album, ready to sneak peek your new song, things are happening fast for Jude Harrison. How do you feel?

JUDE: *Sighs* Nauseous.

REPORTER: How would you describe your new single?

JUDE: That’s a really good question right now. Um…

E.J.: It’s fun, very hooky. You’re going to love it.

JUDE: Look, I’m not gonna lie to you, okay, the song is bad. It’s gimmicky corporate crap.

*Georgia and E.J. look back at Tommy in shock and Tommy mouths the word “Jamie!”*

E.J.: Jude?!

JUDE: I’m sorry I can’t do this right now.

*She gets up and walks out and Tommy follows her*

E.J.: (To the reporter) Forget she said that!

REPORTER: You kidding? A quote like that? Not likely.

[Scene switch to Tommy walking down the hallway angry]

*He sees Jamie and walks up to him*

TOMMY: Hey Gollum! *He pushes Jamie up against the locker*

JAMIE: That’s Gandalf.

TOMMY: Yeah like either one is cool. Jude just blew an interview and ran off. Why?

*Jamie digs out the flyer and hands it to Tommy.*

TOMMY: *He reads the flyer* Okay this is bad but…

JAMIE: Plus I kind of told her I hated her song. *Tommy gives him a look* I hated her song, not her.

TOMMY: To Jude that’s the same thing, man! You know, you might think you know about music, but you know jack when it comes to musicians.

JAMIE: I know Jude.

TOMMY: Then you know she’d be able to handle this if she thought you had her back!

JAMIE: What do you want me to do?

TOMMY: Whatever you said…un-say it! And stop messing with my artist’s head, we are not having this conversation again! Right? Right?!

JAMIE: Right. *Jamie walks away, angry*

[Inside the travel agency]

*We see Sadie and Stuart talking to the travel agent, whose name we learn is Yvette.*

YVETTE: (To Sadie) You are going to love this tour. See it covers England, Spain, Italy… Stuart have you had a chance to look at those Caribbean brochures I sent you?

STUART: I’m definitely keeping them in mind, yeah, for the next vacation.


*Yvette walks away and Stuart’s eyes linger a little, on the spot where she was standing*

STUART: You know your Uncle Mort and I danced in the Trevi Fountain together.

SADIE: Dad I know.

STUART: I must have had four bottles of wine that night. *He laughs*

SADIE: Excuse me? You never told me about four bottles of wine before Dad.

*She playfully hits him in the shoulder*

STUART: Well, that was the kiddie version. I don’t have to edit that stuff anymore, you’re eighteen years old. It’s time for you to go out in the world and have your own adventure.

SADIE: Must have cost you loads though…~Jokingly~ Guess I should be a pain in the butt more often. *She laughs*

STUART: Now don’t you push it. Yvette is our corporate travel rep, she got me a really good deal on this.

*Yvette walks back in the room and hands Stuart a folder of information and expenses of the trip. Sadie leans up and tries to see the cost but Stuart closes the folder*

STUART: Hey, no peeking!

YVETTE: You’re a very lucky girl to have such a sweet father.

SADIE: I know. Hey Dad.


SADIE: Thank you.

STUART: You’re welcome honey.

SADIE: No really…thank you.

STUART: Sweetie…*He hugs her*

[Switch to Jude walking inside an empty classroom]

*She sits down on a desk, clearly upset. Then Jamie walks in behind her waving a white flag. He clears his throat and Jude looks back at him, then turns away and rolls her eyes. Not wanting to see him*

JAMIE: Jude, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said. People are idiots if they’re going to walk out on you or your song.

JUDE: Do you actually mean that?

JAMIE: Of course. Jude, it’s not your fault the song is lame. The studio made you go for a commercial cheesy sound, I get it! *He gets no response from Jude* What?

JUDE: ~Irritated~ I wrote the song Jamie. And if the song’s lame, then so am I.

JAMIE: Oh I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just trying to make you feel better.

JUDE: *With her voice breaking she walks out* Way to go genius you just made me feel worse.

JAMIE: Ugh, I suck.

[Inside the Harrison’s kitchen]

*Stuart walks in and puts his briefcase and groceries on the counter, with Sadie trailing behind him.*

STUART: And tonight I’m going to make your favorite, spaghetti con pesto. Okay I’ll be right back.

SADIE: Okay.

*She starts to unpack the groceries, but curiosity gets the best of her and she starts to look through Stuart’s briefcase for the expenses sheet for her trip.*

SADIE: Wow that is good deal.

*Just as she goes to put the paper away she sees something written on the other paper in the folder. It says“Stuart - I can make it March 14-16! Can you get away then? XO Love, Yvette”. In shock Sadie closes the folder and puts it away just as her dad walks back in the room*

STUART: Okay, I’ll go get the last bag, you start…*he sees her upset face* What’s wrong?

SADIE: Nothing. *She smiles and Stuart walks away*

[Switch to Tommy walking into a girl’s bathroom at the school]

*The two girls standing in front of the mirror look at Tommy in shock*

TOMMY: Sorry, I’ll just be a minute.

*The Girls walk out and we see Jude sitting on the floor in the corner of the room*

TOMMY: “Tommy Q Invades School Girl’s Bathroom”. Gonna read about that one tomorrow. *He stands next to Jude* You’re on in ten. You know at Christina Aguilera’s prom, the whole dance floor emptied when they played her song.

JUDE: *She wipes her eyes and gets up* Great, I have to worry about my prom now?

TOMMY: I’m just saying. I’ve played empty rooms before, every artist has.

JUDE: This is not just another empty room Tommy, this is my school auditorium! I’m in front of my friends and cameras.

TOMMY: I hate to break it to you Jude, but you are gonna face worse.

JUDE: Ugh *She looks away annoyed*

TOMMY: Bad reviews, empty stadiums, cancelled tours! I need to know that you can handle that.

JUDE: *With her voice breaking* Okay, tell me how do I not care what people think?

TOMMY: By caring more about what you think! Don’t you ever ask anyone’s permission to like your own music, you understand? Do you love that song?

JUDE: Yeah, I did. Then Jamie made me doubt.

TOMMY: Forget Jamie!

JUDE: You know I love it.

TOMMY: Don’t you ever let your friends, or the crowd, tell you if it rocks. You go out there, and you tell them. I believe in you.

*She smiles at him and he walks out*

[Inside the auditorium]

TEACHER: Here she is, Carson Hill’s own Jude Harrison!!

*The crowd cheers but see a few of the people with the anti-Jude t-shirts sitting in the front row. Jude hesitantly steps out on stage.*

JUDE: This is a new song, and I think you’re going to love it.

*Jude and the band begin to play “I’m In Love With My Guitar” and students begin to walk out*

GIRL: You Suck!

*Jude looks hurt but she keeps playing*

JUDE: *Singing* I’ve been trying to hard,


                        I’ve been spinning around,

                        Got people chasing me down.

                        Got to find my way back to the world somehow, somehow.

*People continue to get up and walk out, Tommy waves at them as they leave*

JUDE: Right now I wanna get lost inside of a song,


            Where there’s no right or wrong.

            In my room all alone is where I belong.


*Tommy walks up to the guy challenging him*

TOMMY: Boo again. I’m serious.

*Tommy walks away and the guy keeps looking back at him, scared. The guy then begins to cheer obviously afraid of Tommy*


JUDE: Whenever we’re together no one’s a star,


            I can pour it all out right from the heart.

            If it’s up to me we’ll never be apart.

            I’m in love with my guitar.

*Other students begin clapping and getting up and dancing. Jamie looks around happy and amazed*

JUDE: Oh yeah, Keeper of my secrets.


            Part of all my dreams.

            Somehow we’re connected,

            From a whisper to a scream.

*Jamie gets up and stands, watching Jude with the other students*

JUDE: Whenever we’re together no one’s a star,


            I can pour it all out right from the heart.

            If it’s up to me we’ll never be apart.

            I’m in love with my guitar.

            I’m in love, I’m in love, with my guitar.

*Jamie looks around happy at the reaction and Tommy gives Jude the okay sign*

JUDE: I’m in love with my guitar.


*The entire crowd cheers including Jamie*

[Inside the Harrison kitchen]


: *Looking at the book for Sadie’s trip* This is so exciting. (To Sadie) I wish I had toured Europe at your age…or my age hint hint.

*Stuart chuckles*

SADIE: Yeah well, um Dad seems to have an in at the travel agency. Maybe he could swing you a deal.


: Well in any event, it sounds like everyone had a perfect day.

*Victoria kisses Stuart on the cheek and walks out, while Sadie turns and gives him a dirty look*

[Scene switch to Jamie and Jude walking outside]

JAMIE: Well I gotta tell you, hearing your song live…wow. It was awesome.

*Jude stops walking, steps really close to Jamie, and looks him straight in the eyes*

JAMIE: What are you doing freak?

JUDE: You’re lying Jamie, I can totally tell.

JAMIE: *Sighs*I don’t get it. I’ve always had opinions about your songs. I consider it my creative contribution, thank you.

JUDE: I know, but you’ve always loved them. *Sighs* The stakes are higher now.

JAMIE: Exactly. I want to be the guy that you can come to for the truth. The truth is I’m not always going to like your songs. I need to know that that’s okay.

JUDE: No it’s not okay, it sucks. *Sighs* But I’ll live.

*She smiles then lightly punches him in the chest*

JAMIE: Whoa easy. I overdid the jambalaya.

JUDE: Oh sorry!

*She laughs and they walk down the street, with their arms around each other’s shoulders*

Kikavu ?

Au total, 6 membres ont visionné cet épisode !

30.04.2021 vers 13h

Date inconnue

Date inconnue

Date inconnue

Date inconnue

Date inconnue

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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

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Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

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